The lifting of the veil

On the planet of Earth, on the continent of Asia, in the country of Cambodia, in the city of Siem Reap, on the road named King’s Road, there is a building named Premier Entertainment. The building in question stands out on the the dusty expanse that I came to realise was what Cambodia calls a road. During the day, it sits there, a seemingly-pristine white block decorated by diagonally-slanting white slats. Despite being rather more abstract in aesthetic sense than the shacks which abut it, it is fairly unnoticeable and indeed, rather forgettable. Pass it once at night, though, and your perception of it is irrevocably changed. It is illuminated a purplish-pink, and the slats a slightly darker shade. As you drive past it, you sneak a quick glance inside, and what meets your eyes is an alien landscape. It’s an entirely pink chamber with corridors snaking out from a central annex and columns slanting at obnoxious angles yet somehow managing to still reach the ceiling. The more astute amongst you may have realised what this building is and what purpose it serves, but those who haven’t will have to try a little harder. I don’t recommend googling it.

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