A penchant for forethought, part 1

I’ll start this post by telling you what it is exactly that I’m going to do. I have, over the last week or so, been working on a story and I’m going to post what I’ve written so far. Rather embarrassingly, the story originated not from an idea for the plot, but rather a name.

The name was Tyrell Vecter. I can’t explain why, but something about it just appealed to me. It seemed like the name for someone incredibly intelligent, and even more manipulative. From there, I just sort of thought of things that a character like that would get up to, and decided to put it to paper.

Now, it’s not perfect yet because I’m thinking I want to make it a little darker and obviously continue the story, but here it is so far. If you do have any feedback, I’d love to hear it. And so, without further ado:

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