Long time no see!

Hi there! Ok, I haven’t posted for some time, and I probably won’t be able to post that often, what with exams and things coming up, but I just recently signed up for goodreads, and I reviewed a book today, so I’m just sharing that with you. If you can’t be bothered to read it on goodreads, I’ll also copy it here so you can read it here.

From now on, I will post my usual stuff here, but I’ll also post my reviews and stuff so you can see it. Enjoy 🙂

Here’s the link: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/563305445

Continue reading “Long time no see!”

Android Programming

So I got my galaxy nexus a while back and I figured it might be cool to start making apps for it. I’ve only just started (all I’ve done is installed the ADT), but it looks as though it will be really interesting.

What I think will be the most interesting is having the program recognize a touch.  I was thinking about it and I thought that here’s basically what will happen: The phone will feel the touch, send an electronic signal to the microprocessor. So I thought of some possible pseudocode for a game like angry birds:

Get touch on screen
     Get direction of touch
     Get location of touch

Measure distance from catapult
Multiply by scale factor (//This scale factor would predetermine how far the bird would fly)
Find direction 
Throw bird in that direction at that speed

I did read somewhere about angry birds being all about parabolas, but this would make sense.

I’ll keep you posted on how my programming goes 😀

54 down, 312 to go

303 days remaining

Kony 2012

Watch this. Seriously. DON’T read any further until you’ve watched it.

This man needs to be stopped. Do everything you can to make it happen.

This is way too important to just be used for my blog, so it’s not contributing to my 366 day challenge.

Get the action kit here

A quick update

Hi 🙂

I wasn’t sure what to write about today, so I decided I’d give a quick update on the blog itself. I just recently hit a thousand all-time views, which to me, is a pretty big thing.

Now I know that in the grand scheme of things, my blog isn;t very popular, but when I started it, I did not expect to get more than a thousand views very soon. It seemed like it would be just a bit of a side project for me, something to do when I was bored and/or had ideas.

Instead, I’ve signed onto a challenge which makes me do one post for every day of the year, I blog almost every day now( I know I’m a bit behind right now, but I’ll catch up) and having a blog has become a source of pride for me. In fact, my facebook cover photo is my blog URL.

When I started this blog, I promised to myself that I wouldn’t focus too much on any one topic, and I think that I’ve stuck to that pretty well. But if you do think that I should blog about something, feel free to let me know.

So that’s about it…Thanks for those 1000 views, I hope you enjoyed them.

Now let’s see how quickly we can get to 2000 😀

44 down, 322 to go

318 days remaining.

SequenceCalc beta v0.0.1 is out!

Okay, so you might remember that a few days ago, I told you about some code that will allow you to make a program that will find the next term in an arithmetical or geometrica sequence. Well, I made a basic version of the program, which can figure it out for any linear or quadratic equation. The download is on the ‘programming projects” page of my blog (the link is on the top left of the page).I’ve also put the source code up.

Enjoy 🙂

39 down, 327 to go

326 days remaining



Hey, just a quick post this time. Remember I told you about my next Java Project? I started some work today on it, and I thought I’d let you know how it’s going.

I’ve basically perfected the setup procedure, which basically is entering basic information like your name, student ID and timetable. I’m still working on a way to save the timetable so it an be read back, but here’s the pseudocode for it so far:

ask for name
ask for student id
ask if the person wants to enter their timetable
if yes
    get timetables for each day
if no
    proceed to main menu

Now it doesn’t seem like much, but believe me, it took a LOT of code. So far, I’ve created 8 classes. I haven’t used all of the yet, some are like the GUI and main classes, but I’m probably going to need even more than that. But yeah, I thought I’d keep you updated.

Well, I’ll make my next post tomorrow.

See ya 🙂

21 down, 345 to go

344 days remaining

BER-T version 2.0

Remember I showed you that video of my lego robot a few days ago? Well, I made a new program for BER-T. This time, he does something completely different. He turns around until he detects something, and then he stops. he then waits for two seconds to see whether the object moves away. If it doesn’t he, fires at them. I’ll show you a video later on in this post, but until then, here’s some pesudocode which should explain how he works:

		turn 360 degrees
		if (I see an object){
			wait 2 seconds
			if( the object is still there){
				Start Turning again

Now without futher ado, I present BER-T version 2.0:

19 down, 347 to go

345 days remaining

My next programming project

I have been fiddling around with eclipse for some time now, not exactly sure what to do in Java when one day, I opened iProcrastinate by mistake. Before quitting it, I spent some time trying to figure out what the pseudocode for something like that would be, and the more I thought about it, the more interested I got in it. So here’s my idea: I’m going to try and make a software which is something like iProcrastinate. It will be nowhere near as polished, but I’m pretty sure that I can make something that is similar in function to iProcrastinate. I’ll probably modify it to suit our timetable, so you can enter when you have what lessons and ECAs. This is more to do with me just learning how to program, so it might take some time to make. My main problem will be memory, as in making the program remember previous homework or something. I thought of an interesting way to do it. Here’s the pseudocode:

	if (timetable has been set){
		display timetable
		ask for timetable

This is going to take a LONG time to program, so methinks that I will set myself some time targets, so in one month, the alpha version will be out. (It won’t that was just an example).

But yeah, that was just an announcement. This should be fun…

18 down, 348 to go

345 days remaining

WordProcessor beta v0.0.1 is out!

I made a wordprocessor with java! It’s extremely basic, but I’m still working on it. You should by no means use it for anything important, but while I made it, I did learn how to do a lot of stuff, which is good.

Right now, it can:

  • Have text inputted into it (obviously)
  • Save that text as a .txt file into the same file directory as the application (e.g. if you put it on your desktop, it will save the documents onto your desktop_
  • Open any .txt file

I’m also working on text formatting, e.g. font size, font color etc, but there’s some problems with the .txt document type, which don’t allow for formatting.

I know there’s no hope in hell that you’ll be able to use it for anything useful whatsoever, but I’m still pretty proud of it 🙂

To download it, just go to the ‘programming projects’ page of my blog (The link is on the top right). It’s a .jar file, so it should work on Windows, OSX, linux, holographic operating systems from the future, and alien operating systems as well (ok, maybe not the holographic ones).

Oh btw, if you want to delve into the guts of the program, feel free to decompile it. You can also distribute a modified version of it (in my dreams), but if you do, please credit me.

But yeah…enjoy 🙂

5 down, 361 to go

361 days remaining

The development of PPL has now started…

Hey, just a quick post this time round.Remember that awesome programming language I talked about yesterday? Well, me and a friend have started to develop something like it. We’re making some form of class or library that will have a ton of methods in them, and hopefully, will be as awesome as expected.

Thats about it…Hope you had a good friday the 13th…

3 down, 363 to go

363 days remaining