A roll of the die

While I was writing my last blog post, I noticed a die lying on my desk, and I started to play around with it. All of a sudden, an idea popped into my head for a concept that could be used in a story. I decided that for this post, I could  just write small part of it and see where it goes.

Be aware that I’m making this up as I go along and so it probably won’t be perfect.

Let’s do this.

He tossed it once.

“6”, he murmured.

He tossed it again.


And again.


At the sight of this, he giggled. A high pitched, scratchy giggle that permeated your nightmares and showed just how insane he was. He giggled like this for a full minute, and gradually, it teetered off. He started muttering to himself quickly: “The die is always fair. The die is always fair. The die is always fair. Not like the rest of the goddamn world”. After about a minute of this too, he threw it away with all his might. It hit a metal wall and the sound reverberated throughout the chamber like an orchestra of tin. He bore the cacophony first with a poker face, but suddenly started cowering from the sound, as if it had reached him on a delay.He shielded his ears and averted his eyes and remained in that twisted position long after the din subsided. Cautiously, gradually, he looked back at where he had thrown the die. Once he located it, he once again began to giggle, the giggle slowly evolving into a guffaw until he was scrabbling at the floor, struggling to breathe. The laugh ended as suddenly as it had begun. He crawled towards the die, and started to kneel before it, almost as if he were worshipping it. Once again, he began to chant, so quietly you could scarcely hear him. And then all of a sudden, he reared back, almost as if the subject of an electric shock, and screamed.


So there you have it. I’m not sure what you could do with someone like this, but it’s an interesting character and I’m sure his obsession with the die could be exploited in some way or the other.

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