Interesting characters

I’ve been thinking about what exactly it is that makes the main character of a book or movie memorable, and in doing so, I’ve come up with some ideas for characters that might be especially interesting. I thought that today I would share with you some of these characters. Now I haven’t decided on anything final like their names or anything, so this just talks about a general picture of the character. Enjoy 🙂

  • The fractured man: This person has, for some reason or the other, gone through some event or the other that has led to him becoming extremely mentally unstable, so much so that he lies in a semi-vegetative state in an asylum. However, his mind is far from dormant. In it rages a battle between two different personalities, one which acts completely rationally, and the other which succumbs to the rage of emotion each time.
  • The manipulator: This guy never really associates himself with a crowd, but prefers to just stand on the outside and observes. He has the ability to recognize who the major players in any social hierarchy are, how everybody interacts and is then able to tip that delicate social balance to his favor. I thought that an interesting twist in his story would be his finding out that he was being manipulated by someone who was even better than him.
  • The vigilante: This is a man whom no one can relate to. A man who has his own completely different set of morals and listens to nothing than those. This man suddenly feels that the way the current world is going is going wrong and vows to destroy the world. Obviously, he needs to be stopped. But here’s the catch….he can do this only because no one knows who he is.
  • The technological genius: The CEO of some tech company has pioneered a system in which people can connect to each others minds and collaborate (realistic, I know). Now, this program is awesome and everyone loves it, until a rogue hacker finds a way to access all of someone else’s thoughts and edit them. Now, when the CEO finds out about this, he doesn’t try to stop it. Instead, he buys the software and sells it to the highest bidder.

All these characters seem to be very different from people I can relate to, and I think that’s what makes a book character interesting to me. Not being able to relate to the character makes me question what they do and so they stick with me a lot longer.

Well, that’s about it. Until next time  🙂

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