Music is not my thing

I think I started to have music lessons in grade 2. Ever since then, I barely understood anything. Today, I vaguely know what notes, octaves and chords are, have no clue about things like tempo, rhythm and melody, and can’t play an instrument to save my life. I’m personally very happy to just listen to the music and stay outside a 1 km radius of the instruments themselves. That’s not to say I don’t appreciate those who do understand the back end of music, because otherwise, I wouldn’t have anything to listen to 🙂

What’s strange is, on paper, I shouldn’t be that bad at music. I know roughly how the instruments produce sound, and should be able to work out how to make it sound different. After all, it’s basically (and correct me if I’m wrong) changing the frequency, amplitude, and wavelength of the sound wave, and that’s basically just Physics, which I love.

Unfortunately, things on paper rarely work out, and in reality, I have less musical skill than the average twig. I don’t know why, but for some reason, this:


makes much less sense than this:


And I’m not actually that upset about that. Because however much I love bands like Queen and OneRepublic, I’m quite content to just sit on the sidelines and appreciate their work. I love to observe how the different instruments ‘fit’ together to create moods and it’s interesting to think about how the music is actually made.

I’m relatively knowledgable about things like bands and genres, so I basically like to think that I’m good at music from the consumer point of view. From the creator point of view, I’m more a hindrance than a help.

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